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Very Important Update for 67 Lakh EPS 95 Pensioners: Where EPS 95 Pensioners stand now ? No where, All EPS 95 Pensioner Must Know

EPS95, Where EPS 95 Pensioners stand now ? No where ...


Commander Ashok Rout ji and his dedicated NAC team is struggling 24,×7 for legitimate pension approaching all the ill fated EPS95 pensioners throughout the country since months and years together. The efforts endeavoured are breathless round the clock. Several memorandums are poured in to EPFO authorities throughout the country including members of Parliament and state legislatures, central and state ministers including all CBT members and many a time and had detailed dialogues with two of the labour Ministers.

Even now on 12th instant but it appears that neither government nor the EPFO has moved a single step from their regid stand by keeping silence towards implementation of Hon'ble Supreme Court orders for higher mention nor the government consideration for announcing reasonable minimum pension demanded by pensioners to the extent 7500 or so.On the under hands the EPFO finds it's easier to go slow tactics by involving pensioners in litigation directly or indirectly .In the given situation only strategy for pensioners can be nothing best than the other to show their strength on roads altogether...friends gone to court must also realise the situation and must come forward while the court may do her job. Thanks to NAC for their all-out efforts being made for all of us. All are behind you Commander Sahib...

Thanks also to all those who believe that the court is the last solution of the EPS95 pensioners...but in fact it is not that...Even after court orders one must realise that the court is not the implementing authority...It rest with government and it's machinery and friends are already well aware of their bitter experiences since 4.10.2016 ...However efforts in this front is also commendable and it's importance is not the lesser one then any other effort bring made .It is also desirable to be highly appreciated ,but final solution lies in standing in total solidarity ..Which one has to realise one day or the other...Better it be sooner before it be too late to win the battle against a strong for.

Please think over ..If you have time for this friends....That how to come out from this shortcomings friends

Anil Kumar Namdeo A EPS 95 Pensioner


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