Breaking News

Good News For EPS Pensioners: Pension Case Matter is Listed for Final Hearing on This Date

UPDATE-Bulletin, Dtd.13/02/2020

Search Supreme Court Order Below:

In continuation of our last bulletin dtd.06/02/2020 we are pleased to intimate you that:

Our WPNo.6950/2018 was posted for "Fixed date Final- Hearing" today on dt. 13/02/2020 before the Div.Bench of Hon. JJ Shri R.V.Ghuge and Shri S.M.Modak.
OurAdv.Mrs.Gauri Venkatraman & Co.argued the matter and brought to the notice of court that the important documents which have bearing over the case are illegible and respondents should submit the well legible copies at the earliest to expedite the final arguments looking to the old age of Petitioners as per Court Order.

Hon. Court has ordered to respondents that #in any case the legible documents ( typed copies) as pointed out by our Advocates be submitted to court alongwith other documents which could not be traced by them/ respondents as of now before Dtd 29/02/2020 to facilitate arguments on Dtd 19/03/2020.# "Our important documents submitted vide CAW /399/2020 are admitted by the Hon.

"Matter is placed for fixed date final hearing on Dtd 19/03/2020."

Judicial Administrative Procedures are ought to be followed.Our lawyers and legal committee are taking appropriate steps and dealing the matter with "wit and wisdom". We are marching forward towards our goal step by step. Please keep the faith in ourselves and law and justice.

सर्वेः भवन्तु सुखिनः ...

Ramnath Shamanna

Anil Govind Sathe
Secretary, MRVMSNKKalyanSangh,

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