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EPS 95 Pensioners News | APPEAL to all EPS 95 Members and Pensioners | Why EPS 95 Pensioners Agitation?

🌷APPEAL to all EPS 95 Members and Pensioners 🌷

EPS 95 members & pensioners are struggling on road and equally in courts also since last few years for various EPS 95 pension issues.

Unlike higher pension issue minimum pension is an issue to be achieved by struggling on road only as minimum pension can not claimed as a legal right bestowed by any law in the courts. Obviously by any peaceful means we have to pressurize central govt. Minimum pension is an issue of everybody's concern. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to get our demand of revision of minimum pension realized which seems to be within our reach by demonstrating our strength.
To fulfill the demand of minimum pension, higher pension and other issues we can not expect result in our favor by becoming mute spectator sitting on a fence or mere passing comments on social media. Only participation of members and pensioners in any agitation/ demonstration in the strength of few lakh can make it possible and also has become inevitable now.
Though the fact remains that it shall not be possible for everyone to participate due to financial or health condition, but those who afford financially and physically can certainly participate as a personal ceremony and discharge of moral responsibility towards not to others but to themselves also. We should treat the agitation/ demonstration as a holy function for betterment of all EPS 95 pensioners members. All please understand if EPS 95 members & pensioners demonstrate in heavy number of few lakh, then only it will certainly compel Govt to concede all demands.

Friends, luck will not knock your door time and again and all we have to ripe benefit of the occasion.
So friends. please realise our moral duty towards not only fellow pensioners but towards self also and join demonstrations/agitation on EPS 95 issues along with your co-workers, co-pensioners friends in the number of few lakhs and help yourself as well as.

🌷Remember God also help those who help themselves. So best of luck.
Tapan Kumar Das (EPS 95 Pensioner)

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