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EPFO latest news: Subscribers Pensioners Want min Pension Hiked From Rs 2,500 to Rs 7,500, Agitation Threat Raised

The National Agitation Committee (NAC) has decided to agitate across the country to demand
a minimum pension of Rs 7,500 monthly for the employees and pensioners covered by the New Delhi EPFO . The NAC said that pensioners joining the organization will launch Rasta Roko campaign in National Convenor and President of NAC, Ashok Raut said, “Even after working for thirty years and continuously contributing to the EPS based pension head, the employees are getting a maximum of Rs 2,500 only as monthly pension. This makes it difficult for employees and their families to survive.
The NSC Employees Pension Scheme (EPS), along with Rs 7,500 as monthly basic pension for the workers covered under 95, is demanding dearness allowance on this, including free medical facilities to the spouse of the employees and others. Apart from this, the organization has also demanded implementation of the Supreme Court's decision on pension and a monthly pension of Rs 5,000 to retired employees who do not come under the purview of EPS 95.

Raut said, "We have been demanding from the government to increase the pension of the employees covered by the Employees Pension Scheme (EPS), 95, to Rs. 7,500 monthly and dearness allowance thereon." He said, 'In support of their demands, pensioners have decided to start the Rasta Roko movement in Delhi from December 7. Apart from this, pensioners are agitating from village to state level. According to the statement of the organization, pensioners have been agitating from village to state from November 1 to November 10.

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